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Monolithic Architecture: Amazon Prime's Transition

Monolithic Architecture: Amazon Prime's Transition

Monolithic architecture, a term often tossed around in tech circles, has become the center of attention recently. Particularly after Amazon Prime's transition to a monolithic structure, the software industry has reignited the monolithic versus microservices debate. In this blog post, we'll dissect the concept of monolithic architecture, explore its benefits, and delve into the details of Amazon Prime's transition.

Dart vs Javascript: A Cross-Platform Comparison

Dart vs Javascript: A Cross-Platform Comparison

Dive into our comparison of Dart and JavaScript, the foundational languages for Flutter and React Native, respectively. Discover how these languages shape the future of cross-platform mobile app development.

How to use Flutter Animations API

How to use Flutter Animations API

In this blog, we talk about how flutter is smart enough in making good use of the obtained elapsed time from Ticker API.

How to use Flutter Ticker API

How to use Flutter Ticker API

In this part, we will have a look on flutter’s approach towards implementing animations, especially what flutter offers to be able to get new instance of elapsed time as and when elapsed time changes since when the animations starts.

Introduction to Animation Curves

Introduction to Animation Curves

In this blog, we demonstrate how Flutter’s animation API is designed to help developers create extremely complex to simple animations with absolute ease and what makes Flutter capable of supporting such smooth and high-level animations out of the box.

Evolution of IT Operations and necessity of LowOps

Evolution of IT Operations and necessity of LowOps

In this blog, we discuss DevOps' impact on the software industry, highlighting challenges and the expanded skill set required from developers. It introduces LowOps and NoOps trends, which reduce or eliminate operational tasks, and showcases Cycle.IO as a platform simplifying deployment and management. This shift helps organizations prioritize development, improving the software industry.

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