Backend Engineering


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How to implement Change Data Capture Workflows in Snowflake

This blog post explores how to implement robust Change Data Capture (CDC) workflows in Snowflake using streams and tasks. We explain the significance of CDC in modern data architectures, provide a step-by-step tutorial with a sample e-commerce dataset, and offer advanced techniques for handling complex scenarios like deletes, schema changes, and high-volume data processing.

Backend Engineering
 min read

How to Harness Snowflake's Geospatial Functions for Advanced Location-Based Analytics

In this blog, we talk about how Snowflake's advanced geospatial functions can enhance your location-based analytics. From retail optimization to urban planning, explore practical applications and coding examples to leverage spatial data insights.

Backend Engineering
 min read

Implementing distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry and Jaeger for microservices architectures

Discover how to implement distributed tracing in microservices using OpenTelemetry and Jaeger. This comprehensive guide covers setup, sample microservices, and best practices to enhance visibility and performance in your distributed systems.

Backend Engineering
 min read

How to Achieve Seamless Schema Evolution with Apache Iceberg

This article provides an in-depth exploration of Apache Iceberg's schema evolution capabilities and their impact on modern data strategies. It covers the fundamentals of Iceberg, its benefits, real-world use cases, performance benchmarks, and a hands-on tutorial for implementing schema changes using PySpark.

Backend Engineering
 min read

How to build scalable message processing system with RabbitMQ and millions of Goroutines

In this article, we cover the advantages of using RabbitMQ and Goroutines, setup instructions, system design, implementation, benchmarking, scaling, and real-world use cases.

Backend Engineering
 min read

Benchmarking Python Frameworks for Real-Time Dashboards: Django Channels vs Flask SocketIO

This post provides an in-depth comparison and benchmark of two popular Python frameworks for building real-time dashboards: Django Channels and Flask SocketIO. It covers their ease of use, architecture, performance, scalability, and overall development experience to help developers choose the right framework for their next real-time application.

Backend Engineering
 min read

How to use Apache Flink for High-Volume Stream Processing

The article provides in-depth insights into quantifying workload requirements, optimizing cluster resources, managing distributed state, and efficiently scaling source and sink connectors. It serves as a guide for implementing Apache Flink in production environments where terabytes of data are processed daily, ensuring effective scaling and performance optimization.

Backend Engineering
 min read

Spring Cloud OpenFeign — REST client for Spring Boot App

Spring Cloud OpenFeign provides OpenFeign integrations for Spring Boot apps through autoconfiguration and binding to the Spring Environment and other Spring programming model idioms.

Backend Engineering
 min read

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