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Exploring Behavioral Design Patterns: Strategy & Template Methods

Exploring Behavioral Design Patterns: Strategy & Template Methods

In this blog, we explore behavioral design patterns, with an emphasis on Strategy & Template patterns. The blog highlights the significance of behavioral design patterns in crafting code that is flexible, maintainable & efficient.

Creational design patterns

Creational design patterns

In this blog, we delve into creational design patterns, focusing on the Factory Method and Singleton patterns. We provide detailed explanations and examples to help understand these concepts.

Practical Approach for Design Patterns

Practical Approach for Design Patterns

Learn how to implement structural design patterns for reusability and maintainability in modern development. In this blog, we code examples of Facade and Decorator patterns to optimize your software design.

Securing Desktop Applications: Penetration and Security Testing

Securing Desktop Applications: Penetration and Security Testing

Learn about securing desktop applications through penetration and security testing. Explore our five-step process for identifying and mitigating potential threats, and adopt recommended best practices to enhance your application's security.

How to develop production ready migration

How to develop production ready migration

This blog outlines the process of creating a custom database migration system using Node.js, & any database ORM. Furthermore, it explains creating migration files, writing migration code, and applying Electron-specific changes in order for the migration system to operate effectively in a production environment.

How to detect drift with Evidently and MLFlow

How to detect drift with Evidently and MLFlow

Learn how to detect and monitor data drift in machine learning models using Evidently and MLflow. This blog provides a step-by-step tutorial using a mobile price prediction dataset, ensuring consistent model performance by tracking and visualizing drift insights over time.

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