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Async programming in Dart & JS

Async programming in Dart & JS

This blog post provides an overview of asynchronous programming, focusing on the concepts and techniques used in Dart and JavaScript. The blog further compares and contrasts asynchronous programming in Dart and JavaScript, discussing their similarities and differences.

Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript

Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript

In this blog, we take an in-depth look at JavaScript, a prototype-based procedural language that incorporates functional and object-oriented programming paradigms. We also explore how JavaScript uses the concepts of classes, objects, encapsulation, and inheritance, and learn about ES6 classes, function scope, closures, and prototypal inheritance.

Object Oriented Programming in Dart

Object Oriented Programming in Dart

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to Object-Oriented Programming in Dart. It discusses concepts like Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation, providing examples and outlining the benefits of each.

How to operate OCR engines - II

How to operate OCR engines - II

This blog explores advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) applications using the Tesseract engine & reviews Tesseract's Page Segmentation Modes (PSMs) and provides guidance for their usage.

How to operate OCR engines

How to operate OCR engines

This blog is part one of a comprehensive guide to Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We discuss popular open-source tools, Tesseract & EasyOCR, with hands-on tutorials on how to use the tools effectively.

Converting Android Native App to React-Native Compatibility

Converting Android Native App to React-Native Compatibility

In this article we aim to overlay your existing Android application with a React Native layer.

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