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A comprehensive guide to create your own maven plugin

A comprehensive guide to create your own maven plugin

Learn how to create your own Maven plugin from scratch in this step-by-step guide.

Generics in Go

Generics in Go

This blog explores Go's exciting feature - generics. It covers their implementation with practical examples like Stack and Map. The post highlights benefits, constraints, and potential challenges, ultimately celebrating generics' power and flexibility in Go.

What are the Do’s and Don’ts while analysing data

What are the Do’s and Don’ts while analysing data

This blog provides a list of do's and don'ts to guide successful data analytics while highlighting the importance of testing output, setting parameters for analysis, and automating tasks to save time and minimize errors.

How to know your data?

How to know your data?

The blog provides a comprehensive guide to data analytics, emphasizing its importance for businesses. It covers iterative approaches like KKD, SEMMA, and Crisp DM, along with key steps in the process, such as importing data, exploratory analysis, and data cleaning.

Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Exploration

Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Exploration

This blog explores large language models (LLMs), in natural language processing, covering their architecture, training methodologies, applications, ethical considerations, limitations, and future implications. It delves into the challenges of computational resources, bias, privacy, and environmental impact. By understanding LLMs and addressing these challenges, we can responsibly leverage their power for beneficial use.

Communication in Microservices: Choosing the Right Approach

Communication in Microservices: Choosing the Right Approach

This article explores effective communication strategies for microservices architecture. It highlights the importance of choosing appropriate protocols and examines the benefits and drawbacks of synchronous and asynchronous communication

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