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How to create documentation with Swagger

How to create documentation with Swagger

The blog discusses the importance of documenting RESTful web services and introduces Swagger as a powerful tool for creating, documenting, and visualizing REST APIs. It covers topics such as API evolution, integration with Spring Boot, Maven dependency, and customizing Swagger documentation using annotations.

Harnessing the Power of Structured Data Schema for Elevated Web Presence

Harnessing the Power of Structured Data Schema for Elevated Web Presence

In this blog, we explore proven strategies for integrating schema markup, optimizing content for search engines, and analyzing the results for maximum impact.

How to use AWS fargate with EKS

How to use AWS fargate with EKS

In this blog post, we cover the steps to set up an Amazon EKS cluster with a Fargate profile. We walk you through creating the EKS cluster, setting up the IAM role for Fargate, creating a Fargate profile, and launching pods on Fargate.

How to implement JWT Authetication in Go II

How to implement JWT Authetication in Go II

This blog post is the second part of a series that guides readers through the process of implementing JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication in a Go application using the Gin web framework. In this blog, we discuss storing JWT tokens in cookies for authentication purposes and defining the necessary authentication routes.

How to Implement JWT Authentication in Go  - I

How to Implement JWT Authentication in Go  - I

This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on implementing JWT authentication in a Go web application. It covers various aspects of the implementation process, from setting up the project, installing required packages to implementing JWT middleware using the Gin Gonic framework.

How to use Lombok in Java development

How to use Lombok in Java development

This blog explores Lombok, a powerful Java library that streamlines development by generating common code pieces using annotations. It covers commonly used Lombok annotations and their benefits, emphasizing how it reduces boilerplate code and enhances developer productivity.

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