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How to animate in React using framer motion

How to animate in React using framer motion

Framer Motion is a React animation library offering intuitive motion components, physics-based animations, and gesture support. Its component-based approach and declarative syntax provide advantages over CSS animations, enabling dynamic, engaging user interfaces for developers of all skill levels.

Server-Side Components in React JS

Server-Side Components in React JS

React Server Components (RSCs) are a feature in Next.js, bridging client-side rendering (CSR) and server-side rendering (SSR). RSCs improve performance, reduce bundle size, and optimize SEO by fetching data, pre-rendering pages, and handling dynamic routes. They offer flexibility, scalability, and ease of use, streamlining modern React app development.

Transforming Industries with Generative AI & Large Language Models

Transforming Industries with Generative AI & Large Language Models

Generative AI and Large Language Models are transforming industries across the globe, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation and growth. In this blog, we will explore the applications and use cases of Generative AI and LLMs in different industries along with the challenges & considerations associated with the technology.

How to develop a custom connector with Airbyte

How to develop a custom connector with Airbyte

Airbyte is a user-friendly tool that enables companies to gather data from various sources and load it into a variety of locations for analytics and business intelligence. In this blog, we demonstrate how to use Trino as a source connector for Airbyte.

How to optimize large deep learning models using quantization

How to optimize large deep learning models using quantization

Quantization is the process of mapping continuous infinite values to a smaller set of discrete finite values. In this blog, we demonstrate optimization of large deep learning model using quantization.

How to measure metrics or validate attributes in APIs via Postman

How to measure metrics or validate attributes in APIs via Postman

Postman, is an API testing tool that is used by developers and testers to validate all types of APIs. In this blog, we demonstrate how to validate different attributes and parameters of API response with the help of a test and script in Postman.

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