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User Authentication with Azure Active Directory with Spring Boot

User Authentication with Azure Active Directory with Spring Boot

In this quick guide, you will learn about what an active directory is, how you can create an instance on Azure’s Active Directory, and also how to configure it from Spring boot which means how we can access the instance by configuring the instance properties

Marketing 2025: Impact of AI on Marketing & MarTech

Marketing 2025: Impact of AI on Marketing & MarTech

AI integration on Marketing Strategies has been a trending topic for five straight years now, and it's meant to stay. The "ifs" and "buts" have already been replaced by "hows" in the realm of the AI-driven digital marketing industry. check the ways (as far we can predict) AI will be impacting the Marketing & MarTech industry in the near future

GraphQL has a role beyond API Query Language - being the backbone of Application Integration. Are you ready to embrace it?

GraphQL has a role beyond API Query Language - being the backbone of Application Integration. Are you ready to embrace it?

GraphQL has gained pre-eminence in the last couple of years as the API Query Language of choice. It has been adopted by several hundreds of prominent enterprises and products. But is GraphQL only about API Query Language?

Decade Of Artificial Intelligence: A Summary

Decade Of Artificial Intelligence: A Summary

The world has seen a boom in the field of Artificial Intelligence in the past few years & What our AI community has achieved in the last decade has set a strong foundation for the future

Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing

technology has revolutionized how marketers interact with their customers. Now, you’ve got access to advanced software and customer data for more relevant, targeted, and engaging marketing

Data – A Key Enabler For Patient Centric Healthcare

Data – A Key Enabler For Patient Centric Healthcare

Technology – specifically Big Data, Cloud, IoT, Mobile, and AI will play a pivotal role in enabling the transformation of healthcare towards patient centricity.

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