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A ‘how-to’ guide for test automation framework with Allure Reporting

A ‘how-to’ guide for test automation framework with Allure Reporting

The software industry has seen one of the most dramatic changes with the improved methodologies, Open-Source collaboration, DevOps and migration to the Cloud. This has in turn resulted in a reduction in time to market

Explore data analytics tools and find the best fit for your business

Explore data analytics tools and find the best fit for your business

Data analytics tools are an invaluable resource for business executives who want to see the underlying patterns and trends in complex data, but how can you select the right ones for your needs?

When to use Class Component and Functional Component in React?

When to use Class Component and Functional Component in React?

In React there are two ways of writing components functional components & class components so, here we’ll see when to use, which way. by comparing both on few Important key points

Facing problems in debug mode while using the latest React Native version (say 0.66 and above)?

Facing problems in debug mode while using the latest React Native version (say 0.66 and above)?

We are using React Native for more than 2 years now, however, recently (mainly on M1 machines) we are facing problems in debug mode when using the latest React Native versions (say 0.66 and above) With these latest RN versions

Getting started with Microservices and Docker

Getting started with Microservices and Docker

Although many web apps have had success using the monolithic architectural approach, it comes with its limitations. Mainly its reliability, as a single bug in any module can bring the entire application down; another is that these applications are developed using a single stack which can limit the availability of “the right tool for the job.” This is where “microservices” come into the picture and this is where I’ve started learning it. But, to understand microservices, we need to understand containers.

Survival Analysis – Statistical methods and how we can use them for effective decision making

Survival Analysis – Statistical methods and how we can use them for effective decision making

Survival Analysis is a relatively under-utilized set of statistical tools, which addresses questions such as ‘how long would it be before a particular event occurs’. Therefore, sometimes it is also said to be ‘time to event’ analysis.

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