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Leveraging the Power of Pandas API on Spark for Scalable Data Analysis

Leveraging the Power of Pandas API on Spark for Scalable Data Analysis

In this blog, we learn how to utilize the Pandas API on Spark for efficient and scalable data analysis. This comprehensive tutorial covers everything from installation to applying custom business logic with UDFs, analyzing big datasets, and saving results, using PySpark 3.5.

How to debug Flink OutOfMemory Errors from Checkpoints

How to debug Flink OutOfMemory Errors from Checkpoints

Explore solutions to OutOfMemoryErrors in Apache Flink during checkpointing, with insights into root causes and both immediate and long-term strategies for effective memory management in stream processing. This post is a guide for developers and architects to enhance fault tolerance and efficiency in Flink applications.

A Comprehensive Guide: Penetration Testing with Apache JMeter

A Comprehensive Guide: Penetration Testing with Apache JMeter

Learn how to perform effective penetration testing using Apache JMeter. This guide covers everything from installation and test plan creation to analyzing results and best practices for enhancing your application's performance and reliability.

How to overcome key challenges in Mobile App Testing

How to overcome key challenges in Mobile App Testing

In this blog, we explore the intricate challenges faced during mobile app testing and pragmatic strategies to surmount them. We delve into each aspect that complicates mobile app testing from device and OS diversity to security concerns and user experience optimization.

Tracing Go Routine Blocking Issues with pprof Execution Profiles

Tracing Go Routine Blocking Issues with pprof Execution Profiles

Discover how to use pprof, Go's profiling tool, to tackle blocking issues in Go applications. This guide outlines steps to pinpoint and remedy performance bottlenecks stemming from goroutine synchronization and shared memory access.

How to run multiple apps mapped to different domains on a Nginx Server

How to run multiple apps mapped to different domains on a Nginx Server

Learn how to use Nginx to host both backend services and Single Page Applications (SPAs) on a single server. This guide covers the setup of Nginx configuration files, utilizing the sites-available and sites-enabled directories for better organization, and managing server configurations for different domains.

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