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Implementing Concurrent Data Updates with Optimistic Locking

Implementing Concurrent Data Updates with Optimistic Locking

Optimistic concurrency control (OCC), also known as optimistic locking, is a concurrency control method applied to transactional systems. In this blog, we talk about implementing concurrent data updates with Optimistic Locking.

Explainable AI with Shap

Explainable AI with Shap

Explainable AI is a key concept in Machine Learning/AI to explain why your model is making the predictions. It helps us understand how good a model is. In this blog, we cover how you can use a game theory-based method called Shapley Values to explain what's happening inside the ML model.

How to test JavaScript applications

How to test JavaScript applications

Testing is an important part of any development process of an application. It can help build better, more reliable apps. In this blog, we talk about different ways to test JavaScript applications.

How to install Robot Framework on Windows

How to install Robot Framework on Windows

Robot Framework is an open-source test automation framework that is simple to use with minimal programming. In this blog, we give step-by-step instructions on how we installed the robot framework on windows.

Microservices Architecture

Microservices Architecture

In recent years, we have seen the migrations from traditional monolithic to microservices, conducted by various tech giants and mid-sized businesses. Developers now, enjoy the freedom to work on the allocated microservice or microservices without the fear of breaking down the entire system. It is not only a boon for developers but for the organization as well, as they can make their applications highly scalable and ready for market faster. In this blog, you will get a detailed understanding about Microservices.

Java Project Loom

Java Project Loom

Java Project Loom is a proposed new feature for the Java platform that aims to improve the support for concurrent programming in Java. In this blog, we talk about a few examples of how Project Loom could be used in Java programs.

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