How to develop production ready migration

This blog outlines the process of creating a custom database migration system using Node.js, & any database ORM. Furthermore, it explains creating migration files, writing migration code, and applying Electron-specific changes in order for the migration system to operate effectively in a production environment.

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How to develop production ready migration

In this blog, we demonstrate the procedure for developing a tailor-made migration system utilizing Node.js and any database Object-Relational Mapping (ORM). The blog consists of a directory named "migrations" to store all necessary migration files, which contain both up and down queries. Furthermore, we explain the adjustments needed specifically for Electron in order to operate the migration system effectively in a production environment.

Before we start writing our own migration system code, first create a folder named migrations in root directory to store all migration files, and inside that add migration file like this:

Migration Folder
Create migration file in the following format:
| (migration id).(migration name).sql

Inside each migration file (sample.sql) add migration queries in this format

-- UpALTER TABLE usersADD COLUMN last_name VARCHAR(255);-- DownDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`;

Each migration contains up and down queries

  1. Up : contains set of instructions to preform changes in your database
  2. Down: contains set of instructions for reverting a migration

Now Let’s write our custom migration. We are using better-sqlite3 for managing database in electron app.Also I’ll be using typescript for all our code

// Create migration type
interface IMigration = {
  id: number
  name: string
  filename: string
  data: any
  up: any
  down: any

Create a function dbMigrate and add the following code

// migration table name
const table = 'migrations'

export const dbMigrate = (db: Dbtype) => {
  let migrations: IMigration[]

  // Migration folder location
  let location = path.join(process.cwd(), './migrations')

  // Reading all migration file ending with .sql and sorting them based on migration id

  const migrationFiles = fs
    .map((x) => x.match(/^(\d+).(.*?)\.sql$/))
    .filter((x) => x !== null)
    .map((x) => ({ id: Number(x[1]), name: x[2], filename: x[0] }))
    .sort((a, b) => Math.sign( -

 // Early return if no migration file found
  if (!migrationFiles.length) {

  ...other code

After this we will read content from each migration file IMigration) => {
  const filename = path.join(location, migration.filename) = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8')
migrations = migrationFiles

Now we have read the content from migration files we will grab the up and down queries => {
  const [up, down] =^\s*--\s+?down\b/im)
  if (!down) {
    const message = `The ${migration.filename} file does not contain '-- Down' separator.`
    throw new Error(message)
  } else {
    migration.up = up.replace(/^-- .*?$/gm, '').trim() // Remove comments
    migration.down = down.trim() // trim whitespaces

After this we will get the list of already applied migrations.Here I’m using better sqlite-3 query methods

// Get the list of already applied migrations
let dbMigrations = db
  .prepare(`SELECT id, name, up, down FROM "${table}" ORDER BY id ASC`)

Now we will apply our pending migrations.I’m running these migration in transaction so that if any error occurs our database remains safe

// Grabbing the last migration id
const lastMigrationId = dbMigrations.length
  ? dbMigrations[dbMigrations.length - 1].id
  : 0
for (const migration of migrations) {
  if ( > lastMigrationId) {
    try {
        `INSERT INTO "${table}" (id, name, up, down) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`
      ).run(,, migration.up, migration.down)
    } catch (err) {
      throw err

Hurray! We have successfully applied our migrations.

But wait what about reverting any migration, for that we will have to run our down query Whenever you want to rollback or revert your migration run the following code

for (const migration of dbMigrations
  .sort((a, b) => Math.sign( - {
  if (!migrations.some((x) => === {
    try {
      db.prepare(`DELETE FROM "${table}" WHERE id = ?`).run(
      dbMigrations = dbMigrations.filter((x) => !==
    } catch (err) {
      throw err
  } else {

The above code also undo migrations that exist only in the database but not in files.

Finally, we have created our custom migration system from scratch. You can easily use this migration system to any nodejs application with any other database orm.

Electron Specific Changes

Now we will talk about electron specific changes to properly run this migration in production.

If you run the above migration code in development it will run successfully without any problem. But when you package or build your app, your app crashes and you will get an exception error of migration path not found. To solve this issue we have to copy our migration folder in the packaged app.

We are using electron builder to package our app, to copy our migration folder in packaged app just add this line in electron builder config

extraResources:  - './migrations/**'

Hi, I'm Avinash, a creative JavaScript developer. I love learning new technologies and developing software tools that can make our lives easier.

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